The project has 4 EU partners, 7 Indonesian Higher Education Partners, an Advisory Group and and External Evaluator. The project is managed through three overlapping groups, each with specific responsibilities:
Steering Group
The Steering Group is responsible for project oversight and makes strategic decisions that affect delivery. The Steering Group assesses progress against targets, and achievement of objectives and outputs. It initiates corrective actions as required to ensure delivery. The Steering Group comprises one person from each consortium partner. Information about our Steering Group Members can be found here.
Management Team
The Management Team is responsible for day to day management of the project and partners. It ensures compliance with Erasmus+ rules and regulations and acts as the administrative contact and liaison with the external EU Project Officer. It ensures reporting is carried out by all partners and is responsible for reporting to the EU Project Office. The Management Team facilitates and supports all partners in the implementation of their activities as defined in the grant application. The Management Team includes the Project Lead and Project Administration from the University of Gloucestershire and the Indonesian Regional Leads President University, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and Universitas Islam Indonesia .
Work Package Leads
Work Package Leads have been allocated to those partners with the most appropriate expertise. The Work Package Leads are responsible for, and take ownership of, their package of work. They coordinate all partners with involvement in the delivery of their work package, and are responsible for any associated deliverables.
Project Advisory Group
The Advisory Group brings together independent experts from Indonesia and the EU drawn from businesses (large and SMEs), social enterprises from various sectors and not-for-profit organisations such as funding bodies, charities and public sector organisations. Meeting virtually, the Advisory Group advises the Steering Group at key milestones during the project. Information about our Advisory Group Members can be found here.
External Evaluator
The External Evaluator takes part in a number of meetings/workshops in order to provide independent quality assurance, advice and guidance during the project. Information about our External Evaluator can be found here.
Quarterly Reporting
Quarterly reports from all partners are submitted electronically to the Management Team and stored on the internal project communication and repository platform Trello alongside other documentation.