A research group involving representatives from each consortium partner was established to conduct a systematic overview of current expertise in on disaster resilience research within the BUiLD Consortium. This has highlighted existing pockets of expertise and provided a roadmap for their consolidation and future development.
Publications were deliberately selected from researchers at Indonesian partner institutions to assist their positioning as experts in specific fields, and the positioning of local BUiLD Centres of Excellence in Disaster Resilience as centres with specific research and innovation capabilities.
Cumulatively, Indonesian consortium partners hold extensive expertise in disaster resilience research. This expertise includes strategic and managerial aspects, such as planning for and implementing disaster mitigation, response and recovery.
Expertise spans across scientific aspects, such as disaster engineering and technology, risk mapping and zoning, surveillance and monitoring, architecture and environmental management, as well as people considerations, such as psychosocial and behavioural issues, health, humanitarian aid, and community resilience.
Due to the geographical diversity of locations within which the BUiLD Centres of Excellence in Disaster Resilience are located, individual Centres have developed expertise in relation to specific disaster risks, including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, flooding, bushfires, risks specific to coastal areas, and hyper-urbanisation.
The BUiLD Disaster Resilience Network MaTTa Bencana has a division designated to research. A multidisciplinary network of researchers from all consortium partners has been established and will continue to interact under the oversight of the network to ensure that consortium partners can continue to respond to future research and innovation opportunities.
Having partnered with the Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM), MaTTa Bencana has access to an international multidisciplinary and multistakeholder network of organisations and individuals in the disaster management discipline.
At the end of 2022, the Erasmus+ BUiLD Project was awarded the ISRM Partnership of the Year 2022 Awards. The newly established BUiLD Disaster Resilience Network MaTTa Bencana has since the end of project conference signed a Memorandum of Understanding and is planning the replication of the ISRM University Chapter Model, first introduced at the University of Gloucestershire in February 2022.
The ISRM international networking and dissemination platform to MaTTa Bencana that can utilised for several purpose, with the ISRM’s newly launched Centre for the Study of Wicked Problems adding a division specifically aimed at academic collaborations and the dissemination of academic outputs.
Key indicators
A multidisciplinary research network from across all project partners has been created and consolidated a minimum of 275 current and historic research outputs.
Partners have engaged 21 disaster research and 4 knowledge transfer projects with a cumulative value of €74,064.