As a private university, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) in Yogyakarta, was ranked amongst the 100 best universities in Indonesia in 2018.
Established in 1960 as the Institute of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, UAD is now collaborating with universities all over the world on joint degrees, student and staff exchanges, joint research and international community service.
Having allocated its corporate social responsibility fund to mitigation and disaster recovery, UAD has established a Center for Environmental Studies and Disaster Management operating within the Research and Community Service Bureau.
Together with the Faculties of Psychology, Public Health, Pharmacy, Teacher Training and Education, and Islamic Studies, the Centre has been involved in numerous disaster recovery initiatives, for example during the Merapi volcanic eruption in Yogyakarta in 2005 and the earthquakes in Lombok and Palu in 2018.
With UAD being part of the Muhammadiyah Foundation, a national network operating schools, hospitals and over 130 universities across Indonesia, the Centre conducts training on mitigation and disaster management and collaborates with the MDMC in various areas of disaster recovery, including volunteering for psychosocial, logistical and health assistance, and fundraising.
UAD is a partner in the Erasmus + funded project “Growing Indonesia – a Triangular Approach”. In this project, UAD and UII jointly lead on the development of the national Disaster Resilience Network.