Webinar 1 on “Leading A University During And In The Aftermath Of A Disaster”
Universitas Surabaya has hosted the first Webinar on “Leading a University During and in the Aftermath of a Disaster” on the 15th October. This is the first of a series of webinars hosted by the BUiLD Consortium to lead the discussion on the changing role of universities as key agents in building disaster resilience.
During the current pandemic, many universities have either extended their range of activities or redeployed resources to support healthcare providers or businesses, communities and individuals affected by the crisis. The manufacturing and donation of medical and personal protective equipment, Covid-19 related research, the repurposing of university facilities to provide accommodation for key workers or to accommodate testing facilities are some examples of current initiatives, as are efforts to support local businesses with assistance in maintaining business continuity, volunteering and fundraising.
Beyond responding to the current pandemic, several universities are involved in wider disaster resilience initiatives. Examples of disaster management initiatives across Indonesia’s university sector include the Disaster Risk Reduction Centre (DiRReC) at Universitas Islam Indonesia (Central Java) incorporating a disaster responsive medical team, which was deployed to provide early medical support during past and recent earthquake disasters in Indonesia, including those in Lombok, Palu, and Donggala.
In this webinar, we hear from three higher educations leaders how universities can position themselves as key agents in disaster mitigation, response and recovery phases. Our speakers include:
Dr Dom Page, Head of the Gloucestershire Business School who is speaking on “Higher Education Leadership in Crisis – how universities have responded to the Covid-19 crisis”
Professor Joniarto Parung, former Rector of Universitas Surabaya, who is speaking on “University Activities During and After a Disaster”
Wing Raharjo, Vice Rector Universitas Islam Indonesia who is speaking on “Leadership in Times of Disaster – managing a university during the Mt Merapi eruption.