The BUiLD Project Co-Hosts International Conference
The BUiLD project is pleased to have co-hosted the 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Green Development in Tropical Regions organised by Universitas Andalas.
The conference addressed a variety of topics in relation to sustainable development and resilience. Since the early 21st century, conventional development strategies have been questioned by various development analysts, especially those concerned with issues and conflicts surrounding its environmental, human and socio-economic impacts.
The debate on issues surrounding degradation of natural resources, forest, coastal, and agricultural land, along with understanding climate change, has led to the new proposition of the green development paradigm. The conceptual understanding of the green development paradigm is concerned with the strategy and planning of all aspects including environmental planning, rural and urban planning, regional development planning, agriculture and industrial development planning.
The BUiLD consortium submitted papers under the conference tracks “Disaster Management and Public Health”, “Socioeconomics and Environmental Management”, Covid-19 Management and “Sustainable Development Issues”
Consortium members Yuerlita, Rudi Febriamansyah and Cindy Paloma at Universitas Andalas together with Richard Stanford, Rika Hariance and Afrianingsih Putri presented a paper entitled “What a difference a road makes: The impact of infrastructure on livelihoods and natural resource management in coastal communities in West Sumatra.
Steering and Advisory Group members Sri Jumiyati and Fikriana Omolu from Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu together with co-authors presented a paper entitled “Strategies for Increasing Disaster Resilience at the Higher Education Level: Awareness, Integration and Management”. The also co-authored a paper entitled “Effectiveness of Video Media and Brochures on the Improvement of Students’ Knowledge about Covid-19”.
Project Lead Nadine Sulkowski together with co-authors Clair Greenaway and Rachel Vieira presented a paper on embedding sustainability and resilience education into university curricular. She also introduced the BUiLD project and a rationale for placing universities at the heart of resilience planning in a presentation entitled “Developing an Innovative Disaster Resilience Framework – the Value of Consolidating International Expertise”. This paper is co-authored by Michael Fuller MBE and Professor Neil Towers.
Oktomi Wijaya from the BUiLD Centre of Excellence at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan was part of the plenary discussion on “Disaster Management and Public Health.