CRJ Article: Innovations in disaster management – bridging the gap between academia and practice
In December 2021, the Crisis Response Journal hosted a public webinar to explore current endeavours to strengthen the disaster resilience links between all sectors and stakeholders.
The webinar was held on behalf of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Project, ‘Building Universities in Leading Disaster Resilience’ (BUiLD), and particular focus was given to showcasing multiagency and multi-stakeholder collaborations aimed at bridging the gap between academia and practice in the crisis and disaster management discipline.
Panelists included Rut Erdelyi, European Director, Resilience Advisors Network and Horizon 2020 DRS01 Cluster Coordinator; Christian Resch, Managing Director of the Disaster Competence Network, Austria; Joerg Szarzynski, Co-Head of GLOMOS Programme at the United Nations University; and Louise Davidson, UK Health Protection Agency. The webinar was moderated by Dr David Rubens, Executive Director of the Institute of Strategic Risk Management.
Read a summary written by BUiLD Project Lead Nadine Sulkowski below or listen to a podcast about the webinar.